

PhD thesis of Cédric Mazet, under the direction of Professor Xavier Roulleau.

A computer-based algorithmic approach
to the study of automorphism groups,
orbits of smooth rational curves,
unirationality & projective models
of K3 surfaces

  • Institution : AMUAix-Marseille University.
  • Research unit : I2MInstitute of Mathematics of Marseille.
  • Doctoral School : ED 184Doctoral School of Mathematics and Computer Science of Marseille.

June 30, 2022 – PhD thesis defense
Jury members

Université d’Angers
Aix-Marseille Université
Thesis Advisor
Università Statale di Milano
Stuttgart University
Alessandra SARTI
Université de Poitiers
Jury member
École Polytechnique
Jury member

Cédric Mazet’s PhD thesis – VersionsPDF Changelog
Updated final version – 06/30June 30, 2022
Thesis defense day
Updated final version – 06/23Modifications based on remarks from
Alice Garbagnati and Davide Cesare Veniani, reviewers for this thesis.
Huge thanks to them for the time spent reviewing my thesis and
their positive feedback.
Updated final version – 06/06Remarks on the programs – 06/06
May 31
Pre-defense final version
Mandatory upload of the thesis
to AMU’s online thesis archiving service.
The deadline for the upload is on May 31.
The online erratum will be fully updated
before the defense.

May update #3 – 05/18
May update #2 – 05/16
May update #1 – 05/14

✓ Enhanced readability.
✓ Correction of all typos.
✓ Improved writing style.
✓ Unchanged math content.
✓ May 18 – Thirty pages of vertical
blank spaces have been
eliminated since April

The math content of these updates is identical to the math content
of the April 30 version
April 30, 2022
Major update
✓ Sent to reviewers on April 30 with the
ThesisPrograms programs bundle
and logins for access to the
ready-to-use review server.
✓ An erratum is available and
will be updated before the defense.
April 24, 2022A lot of pillar online content has been
created and will be released soon.
This update of the PDF will be made in such a way as to take into account this fact.
Update of the front page to the standards of Aix-Marseille University regarding PhD dissertation manuscripts.
April 16, 2022
April 14, 2022 bis Removal of 90% of the part in which we quickly talked about our GPU related experiments. This material will be turned into online content
April 14, 2022References updated
Introductions to 2.1, 2.2 & 2.3 updated
April 6, 2022