
None of this would have been possible
without Professor Xavier Roulleau.

I was fortunate to be able to benefit from his ideas,
guidance, expertise, and knowledge which
enabled me to overcome any obstacle.

I thus sincerely thank him for his support during my time as an MSc and PhD student.

I also have to pay tribute to Professor Ichiro Shimada, the founding father of the computer-based algorithmic approach to the study of $K3$ surfaces, whose article

An algorithm to compute automorphism groups
of K3 surfaces and an application
to singular K3 surfaces

has been an invaluable asset to this thesis since it provides
the foundations and essential building blocks
for the automation of the computation of
automorphism groups of $K3$ surfaces.

Many thanks to the reviewers of my thesis,

Alice Garbagnati


Davide Cesare Veniani

for their work, time, and positive feedback.

I also want to thank my longtime friend Théo Petropoulos for his
encouragement and advice as an expert web developer and cyber
security professional regarding the online aspects of this thesis.
Théo is also a gifted graphic designer and created the Hamster
emoji which appears throughout the thesis.

I sincerely thank the A*Midex University Foundation,
leader of the Aix-Marseille Initiative of Excellence,
for their full support and trust during my thesis.